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Auditing project of the air pollutant analysis data quality

This auditing was designed for data quality of air pollutant analysis from January 2015 to December 2015. The contents of project include auditing the analysis of stack gas and ambient air, auditing laboratory analysis reports and performance test of blind samples. 20 itineraries of stack gas analysis and 20 itineraries of ambient air analysis were audited individually. And 10 laboratory audits were completed. Performance tests of analysis method of NIEA A416, A417, A421, A740, A411, A722 and A446 were also conducted by giving blind samples. Conference of members of Technical Assessment Committee was also accommodated to fulfill the goals of this project. Procedures of supervising project plans and suggestions for the future quality management are given for policy management of administrative authority.
Air pollutant analysis, analysis data quality, analysis data quality